The Dearborn Independent

Circa 1901 – December, 1927

Acquired by America’s premier industrialist, the Dearborn Independent was able to gain an international audience through its manufacturing of hate-speech on the popular basis of Social Darwinism.

Background for Context

When Charles Darwin was formulating his theory of evolution, it is hard to imagine he would have applied the same logic to human beings. Despite this, imperialist states of the late nineteenth century co-opted his work to create the theory of Social Darwinism. Just as the predatory animal will become dominant and evolve, the theory proposed that the “fittest” races were destined for supremacy. European leaders made Social Darwinism the backbone of their foreign operations, finding it a convenient excuse for colonization with the ultimate goal of resource extraction. The “scientific” reason to imperialize became the moral justification of the Scramble for Africa; part of a larger argument that European expeditions were to “civilize” tribal peoples by introducing them to Christianity and western technology. While some certainly believed in these “civilizing missions”, the economic incentives were far more of a driver for those who held the keys to power. Nevertheless, Africa was nearly entirely colonized by the year 1900, feeding the European industrial machine with low-cost resources and allowing for economic expansion. However, the collection of said resources would come with the exploitation of indigenous African men, women, and children. By Social Darwinist thinking, such abuse is justified as it was the duty of “superior peoples” to conquer and thrive off those who were of “lesser (technological) strength”. It is in this racial hierarchy that Social Darwinism show’s its true ugly nature; it was simply a means of justifying the exploitation and abuse of those who lacked sufficient means of resistance. As vile as this line of thinking may seem, it remained popular in the minds of western philosophers due to both the apparent economic growth it provided and the steady stream of “civilizing” propaganda created by European states. Given the largely unanimous support for Social Darwinism in Europe, it promptly made its way across the Atlantic to the United States. Just as the Europeans had done regarding Africa, the Americans used this principle as moral acquittal for any maltreatment enacted on foreigners in their expeditions abroad. Out of the American public, few would be more impacted by the influence of Social Darwinism in popular thought than up-and-coming industrialist Henry Ford.

An excerpt from British writer Rudyard Kipling’s poem, White Man’s Burden, in which he writes his support for American colonial ambitions during the Philippine-American War. The “White Man’s Burden” is the idea that White westerners are burdened by an obligation to “civilize lesser peoples”, costing valuable resources and effort. What the “burden” ignores is the tremendous economic gain Europe received as a result of colonization which makes said burden appear less a gracious act and more a guise for profiteering.


“Take up the White Man’s burden, Send forth the best ye breed, Go send your sons to exile, To serve your captives’ need, To wait in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild, Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half devil and half child, Take up the White Man’s burden, In patience to abide, To veil the threat of terror, And check the show of pride, By open speech and simple, An hundred times made plain, To seek another’s profit, And work another’s gain.”


Source : The Kipling Society

White Man’s Burden, lns. 1-16, Rudyard Kipling, 1899

The Impressionable Industrialist

Like many on this earth, Henry Ford was a product of his environment. Unlike many, Ford was unique in his ability to recognize the value and apply the ideas of others. From an early age, this ability was evident. Ford grew up on a constant stream of deeply religious and philosophical writings, growing to practically worship authors such as Orlando J. Smith and William H. McGuffey by adulthood. These two men skillfully interwove religious discussion with contemporary theory in their works, one being Social Darwinism. Ford’s readings during this time could be considered the catalyst for the antisemitism found in his latter years. Given Ford was a bonafide Christian, the religious justifications for Social Darwinism presented by Smith and McGuffey resonated with him, turning loose ideas into hardened convictions. During the same period in which Ford’s mind was taking shape, the greater Detroit area was subject to an economic downturn. As has been common throughout history, Jews were scapegoated for the sudden loss of prosperity. The term “Rothschild”, a reference to the prominent Jewish banking family, became a common slur in the vernacular of disgruntled Americans. Ford, concluding that Jews had conspired to profit from the economic stagnation, was reminded of his lessons in Social Darwinism. Thinking back to his readings, Ford believed he had found the “lesser people” Smith and McGuffey prophesied in their Social Darwinist teachings. Just as Ford believed he could dominate his competition, he believed Jews should be dominated by those more “morally righteous”. As appalling as these beliefs are today, they were considered acceptable to express socially around the turn of the century. However abhorrent Ford’s views, he would only be further radicalized by his secretary, a man by the name of Ernest G. Liebold.

An excerpt from Orlando J. Smith’s pamphlet, A Short View of Great Questions, in which he affirms his conviction regarding the theory of Social Darwinism. Being one of Henry Ford’s favorite reads, Smith spoke to the industrialist on the notion that some men are naturally superior or “fitter” compared to others. Ford applied this idea in both his business relations and in his view of different ethnicities, particularly Jewish people.


“Nature has not created a vicious man. The vicious man is self-developed. He can place the responsibility nowhere but upon himself. The strong have made themselves strong; the weak are responsible for their own weakness. The dreams of absolute equality here or hereafter are baseless. Some men will always be taller, stronger, or better than their fellows. No two men have been, or can be, exactly equal in all things. The fit advance; the unfit decline. If the law were reversed, the Universe would be a hell in which health and wisdom would be exterminated by disease and folly.”


Source : University of Michigan

A Short View of Great Questions, p. 25, Orlando J. Smith, 1899

Liebold the Puppeteer

Ernest G. Liebold was born into a family of German Protestant immigrants, growing up in an environment much the same as Ford’s. A religious zealot from a young age, he shared a common ideology with his future employer. Where the two differed was in their nationalistic tendencies. Ford was an American industrialist through and through, aiming to create a unified Christian nation that could stand on its own moral feet. Liebold was a German nationalist, concerned with the politics of ethnic groups in his nation of heritage. He mainly took an issue with Jewish people, seeing them in much the same way as Ford, albeit with even more jingoistic prejudice. Taking a liking to a man with a similar worldview as himself, Ford hired Liebold as his right-hand man. It was in this position that Liebold could exercise his antisemitic beliefs with great influence on his employer. Wherever Ford gestured, Liebold shoved him in that direction, pushing the industrialist towards increasingly antisemitic viewpoints. Liebold also showed himself to be a skilled manipulator, controlling what information Ford received right down to the newspaper clippings which ended up on his desk. Not realizing he had hired a sycophant for a secretary, Ford allowed Liebold space in his mind to insert his agenda. Liebold was a puppeteer, carefully guiding Ford along a path to the extremities of antisemitism. So when Ford announced his interest in creating a publication of his thoughts, Liebold knew it would be his words on the printing press.

An excerpt from an address published in The Detroit Jewish Chronicle given by Edwin G. Pipp, the former editor of the Dearborn Independent. Pipp discusses at length his former colleague Ernest G. Liebold and the influence he had in shaping the antisemitism found in both Ford’s thoughts and the newspaper.


“I am sure that if Mr. Ford were put on the witness stand he could not tell to save his life just when and how he got started against the Jews. I am sure that Liebold could tell. Mr. Liebold not only is fanning the flame of anti-Semitism in Mr. Ford’s brain but he struck the match that lit the fire. […] Mr. Ford may not have always kept within the bounds imposed by Liebold, and often read clippings outside of those sent by Liebold, but the door to the Ford mind was always open to anything Liebold wanted to shove in it, and during that time Mr. Ford has developed his dislike for the Jews, a dislike which has grown stronger and more bitter as time went on.”


Source : University of Michigan

“Pipp’s Weekly” Exposes Ford’s Private Secretary, The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Writers & Edwin G. Pipp, March 4 of 1921

The Early Dearborn Independent

Beginning in January of 1919, Ford started publishing his own “truths” in the Dearborn Independent, an acquired newspaper local to his hometown of Dearborn, Michigan. Ford would mold the Independent to be what he envisioned, a vehicle to spread his agenda to the masses. As a result, several notable changes were made upon acquisition. First, the paper began to run on the motto, “Chronicler of the Neglected Truth”. Ford viewed himself as the humble American in a struggle against pompous aristocrats; his paper was to be a voice for the common man whom he felt was owed the “neglected truth” which other publications dared not speak of. Second, each paper was subtitled “The Ford International Weekly”. Wanting to further integrate his various separate enterprises, Ford put the Independent under his brand name. Now a Ford product, his automobile dealers pedaled Independent subscriptions to their customers; growing the paper’s audience far beyond that of a rural Michigan town. Third and most importantly, Ford introduced a thoughts column in which he could express himself to the nation weekly. This section conveyed Ford’s relatability to the working-class American, a growing population with expendable income to purchase luxuries such as newspapers. In writing this column, Ford did not want the working class to view him as another version of their bigwig boss. Instead, he desired to be seen as a success symbol for the hard-working American aiming to climb to the top. To cultivate this perception, Ford enlisted the help of Detroit’s local talent. Edwin G. Pipp, the former editor of the Detroit News, and writer William J. Cameron were hired among others; tasked with publishing articles to develop Ford and the Independent’s image as the newspaper for the average American. This image was everything to Ford (and Liebold); it afforded him a level of authenticity seldom seen and, in turn, built support for his Christian nation philosophy. However, as Liebold continued to manipulate the Ford mind, these pro-Christian articles would focus ever more on the anti-Jewish sentiments held by the Independent’s upper management.

An image taken around the year 1900 of a rotary printing press used to manufacture the Dearborn Independent. Being an industrialist, Henry Ford sought a more efficient means to conduct every aspect of his business. His newspaper venture was no exception; Ford would have this machine print over 900,000 papers by 1926, making the Independent one of the largest weekly publications in the United States. Source : The Benson Ford Research Center

Antisemitic Rhetoric

By early 1920, it became evident that the “neglected truth” Ford spoke of was more than what the average reader had assumed. A series of articles titled The International Jew, The World’s Problem began publication in the Independent in May of that year. These articles appeared on the front page of each paper, a decision of Cameron’s discretion and Liebold’s encouragement. The International Jew series alleged a conspiracy that labeled Jewish people as an “economic creature” responsible for the rise of communism in Russia and the collapse of the German government. As demonstrably false as these claims are, the Independent writers knew their audience could be convinced if they were to claim the conspiracy’s goal was to dismantle the capitalist Christian utopia which Henry Ford envisioned. The paper also capitalized on the social discontent of post-war America, turning the bitterness felt towards the Central Powers onto the Jews; holding them as the sole reason for WWI’s outbreak. The writers manipulated the truth and their audience, taking advantage of the holder-of-truth pedestal the Independent put itself on. In response to the publication of this series, editor Edwin G. Pipp resigned in disgust. However, Pipp’s absence would only allow Liebold greater control of the Independent’s content. Unshackled from the final say of the former editor, Liebold began to push for the publication of an article series focusing on The Protocols of The Elder’s of Zion. The Protocols was a fabricated document written by Russian antisemite Sergei Nilus around 1902; likely a plagiarism from an 1869 German novel which itself was plagiarized from an 1864 French satire lambasting Napoleon III. Nilus replaced all references to the Germans and French with those to Jews, claiming the document was the 24-step plan formulated by a secretive group of Jewish elders with the ultimate goal of destroying Christendom. By publishing portions of this document in the Independent, its Christian reader base came to the idea that they were now engaged in a grand struggle for racial and religious supremacy. This period in the early twentieth century saw a rise in antisemitism worldwide; this paper would be another confirmation of public suspicion. The Jewish hysteria resulting from the Independent draws parallels to the McCarthyist Red Scare of the 1950s. Each person grew increasingly afraid of their neighbor, whether they were a Jewish plotter or communist actor; the only outlet for the “truth” became the media which fed these deceptive and hateful lies (i.e. The Dearborn Independent). With Ford’s approval, Liebold operated the Independent with yellow-journalistic practices to capture the fear of Christian America and slander an entire race he only knew by stereotype.

An excerpt from Ernest G. Liebold’s memoir, The Reminiscences of Mr. E. G. Liebold, in which he describes Henry Ford’s personal convictions regarding Jewish people. It is important to understand that while Ford certainly did hold these beliefs, Liebold encouraged Ford to do so as he was an outspoken antisemite and Third Reich sympathizer. Given that Henry Ford was dead by the time of writing, Liebold is likely trying to distance himself from the words of his past by pinning them on his diseased former employer.

“When Mr. Ford came back from Europe, he made the statement that he had learned who was really behind the war [WWI] and who had council it. This is an example. He believed that it was the international Jews. When he came back here [United States], he told me he was going to go after the Jews who started the war. This is the background of what later led up to the Dearborn Independent. […] Another application of Wall Street may be the international Jewish interests who play behind the scenes and carry on different activities such as Mr. Ford referred to as warmongers if you want to refer to them as such, who were interested in carrying on the war for profit.”

Source : The Benson Ford Research Center

The Reminiscences of Mr. E. G. Liebold, pp. 279-280, Ernest G. Liebold, January of 1953

An excerpt from Russian writer and antisemite Sergei Nilus’ The Protocols of the Elder’s of Zion. Published sometime around 1902, The Protocols was a fabricated document which claimed to be the plan created by a secretive group of powerful Jewish figures hellbent on world destruction. The so-called “Elders of Zion” constantly speak of how evil they and their plan is, making the document a rather absurd read. Despite this, a translated copy was printed in many western newspapers including the Dearborn Independent. Note : The term “goy” or “goyim” refers to non-Jewish people; the term “goyim-cattle” suggests that non-Jewish people are akin to farm animals ready for the slaughter.


“We entice people into the ranks of our fighting forces, Socialists, Communists, Anarchists. The aristocrats, for their own good, were interested in seeing the workers well fed, healthy and strong. We are interested in just the opposite – THE KILLING OUT OF THE GOYIM-CATTLE, OUR POWER LIES IN THE CHRONIC SHORTNESS OF FOOD AND THE PHYSICAL WEAKNESS OF THE WORKER! […] We shall create an economic crisis, which will stop dealings in all exchanges and bring industry to a standstill. We shall throw upon the streets whole mobs of workers, simultaneously, all over the world, who will rush to loot property and delight to shed blood. […] TO ATTAIN OUR ENDS WE MUST FOMENT TROUBLE IN ALL COUNTRIES, UTTERLY EXHAUST ALL HUMANITY WITH DISSENSIONS, HATREDS, STRUGGLES, ENVIES, TORTURE, STARVATION AND THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, SO THAT THE GOYIM-CATTLE WILL BE FORCED TO TAKE REFUGE IN OUR COMPLETE SOVEREIGNTY IN GOLD AND ALL ELSE.”


Source : Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Protocols of the Elder’s of Zion, Protocols 3 & 10, Sergei Nilus, Circa 1902

Folding Under the Pressure

The Dearborn Independent would gain notoriety both domestically and overseas for its publication of antisemitic writings. With his new audience in Germany, Liebold felt ever motivated to continue his attacks against Jewish people. By 1924, Ford and Liebold found their new target in Californian lawyer Aaron Sapiro. Born in 1885, Sapiro studied at a rabbinical school for eight years before leaving for a career in law. He is accredited for organizing Californian farmers into a model cooperative, reducing the role of middlemen in the system and generating over 1 billion dollars in business. Californian agriculture under Sapiro was an industry all to itself, similar to Ford’s ventures with automobiles. However, years of this cooperative system would agitate more traditionally oriented farmers, forcing Sapiro to step down from his overseeing position at the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF). Ford was irate when he learned that a Jew had been instituting radical changes to the agricultural industry, changes which were controversial to say the least. Putting every one of Ford’s notions to print, the Independent writers published an article series levying heavy criticism against Sapiro, accusing him of misappropriating AFBF funds for personal gain. The writers were also sure to reference Protocol 6 of The Protocols of the Elder’s of Zion which describes a plot to monopolize industry and “raise the price of all necessities of life”. The Protocols fed right into the hatred for Sapiro; many readers came to see him as one of the prophesied Elder’s of Zion who would bring forth an economic apocalypse to destroy Christendom. The Independent made Sapiro the enemy of Christian America and he wasn’t going to take this false characterization lying down. After Ford refused his request to retract the articles, Sapiro sued for 1 million dollars on claims of character defamation. Sapiro v.s. Ford became headlines across the nation, attracting an audience keen to know if the industrialist would finally get his long-awaited comeuppance. However, this punishment was unlikely to come to Ford as he had relinquished much of his control over the Independent to his editors, making a direct conviction improbable. Still, Ford feared what he might have to disclose in his testimony and hastily made a decision that was a long time coming; he ordered the closing of the Dearborn Independent. It took nearly a decade but when the threat was directed at Ford himself, he folded under the pressure. He would go on to release a formal apology to Sapiro written by the president of the American Jewish Committee (Louis Marshall) and agree to a cash settlement. Given Ford’s seething anger, it seems unlikely that his apology was anything more than a way to make a particularly ugly problem leave the public sphere. Nevertheless, Sapiro’s defiant stance against Ford shut down one of the most notorious publications in American history. Unfortunately, the Dearborn Independent would continue to remain influential in circles of leaders and laymen alike long after its final paper.

An excerpt from the public statement released by Henry Ford and lawyer Louis Marshall as an apology for the content found in the Dearborn Independent. This section was written by Ford, or at least written under his name, while the rest of the apology was created by Marshall. In this particular statement, Ford acknowledges that antisemitic articles were published under his name but passes the ownership of the content onto his editors (such as Liebold), throwing them under the bus in a sense.


“For some time past I have given consideration to the series of articles concerning Jews which since 1920 have appeared in The Dearborn Independent. Some of them have been reprinted in pamphlet form under the title ‘The International Jew.’ Although both publications are my property, it goes without saying that in the multitude of my activities it has been impossible for me to devote personal attention to their management or to keep informed as to their contents. It has therefore inevitably followed that the conduct and policies of these publications had to be delegated to men whom I placed in charge of them and upon whom I relied implicitly.”


Source : American Jewish Committee Archives

Henry Ford’s Apology, p. 4, Henry Ford & Louis Marshall, June 30 of 1927

Ford’s Nazi Collaborations

During the same time in which Ford was operating the Dearborn Independent, German politics were undergoing a substantial reformation. A young Adolf Hitler had proven himself to be an incredible speaker, a true galvanizer of men, and rose through the ranks of the German Workers’ Party (DAP) to become the chief propaganda minister. In this role, Hitler would rebrand the party to the populist National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP), otherwise known as the Nazis. Pushing forward the narrative that he was a man of the people, Hitler caught the eye of Henry Ford. Upon learning of one another, the similarities in their ideologies formed a mutual admiration. Both men viewed themselves as philosophers for the common man, attempting to unite the world under a single ideology. Ford was creating his Christian utopia while Hitler was purging his way to a mono-ethnic German state. It was in this quest for utopia in which both men developed their hatred for Jewish people. While Hitler was certainly more extreme in his beliefs and had greater means to execute on them, he took inspiration from Ford’s writings. Such inspiration manifested in the republication of the Independent’s International Jew and Protocols of the Elder’s of Zion article series in the Völkischer Beobachter, the newspaper of the Nazi Party. Hitler’s Mein Kampf has also been recognized as having been influenced by the Independent; the Protocols are specifically referred to in the manifesto. This praise and flattery from the rising political figures of Germany would instill great sympathy in Ford for the Nazi cause. This sympathy led to Ford befriending antisemite Siegfried Wagner (son of Hitler-beloved composer Richard Wagner) and his wife Winifred. The aristocratic couple later introduced Ford to Kurt Ludecke, an associate of Hitler and Nazi Party fundraiser. Ludecke reportedly requested financial assistance from Ford on behalf of the Nazi Party but was ultimately denied on unknown grounds. Nevertheless, the connections between the Nazis and Ford were retained and solidified. These connections amounted to Henry Ford receiving the Verdienstkreuz Deutscher Adler, the Grand Service of the Supreme Order of the German Eagle for his seventy-fifth birthday (July 30 of 1938)The medal the highest symbol of honor presented to foreigners by the Nazis; decorated with four white enamel swastikas. Liebold later received a First Class medal on October 12 of 1938, roughly a year before the outbreak of WWII. For a man who took great pride in his German heritage, being bestowed an honor from the nationalistic Nazi Party surely made Liebold ecstatic. The award also came around the time Hitler was envisioning the “volkswagen” or “people’s car” for the increasingly industrious German population. Designers took influence from Ford’s “peoples cars” and created the vehicle which would become the Volkswagen Beetle in later iterations. The relationship between Ford and Hitler was one of admiration on all fronts, from ideology to business. However much Henry Ford tried and the Ford Motor Company tries to palliate their Nazi affiliations, they forever mar the reputation of the man and company respectively.

An excerpt from Hermann Rauschning’s book, The Voice of Destruction, in which he details a conversation with Adolf Hitler regarding his fascination with the Protocols of the Elder’s of Zion. Rauschning was a former associate of Hitler and a Nazi politician who broke from the party in 1936. Finding a home in the United States, he began publicly condemning Nazism through a series of books. Despite Rauschning claims that the conversations are verbatim, the authenticity of his writings remains highly debated. However, they likely bear a resemblance to real conversations in which Hitler was involved.


“‘I have read ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ – it simply appalled me. The stealthiness of the enemy, and his ubiquity! I saw at once that we must copy it in our own way, of course. […] It is in truth the critical battle for the fate of the world!’ ‘Don’t you think,’ I objected, ‘that you are attributing rather too much importance to the Jews?’ ‘No, no, no!’ exclaimed Hitler. ’It is impossible to exaggerate the formidable quality of the Jew as an enemy.’ ‘But,’ I said, ‘the ‘Protocols’ are a manifest forgery. I saw the book in 1920, through a certain Miiller von Hausen. It was evident to me that it couldn’t possibly be genuine.’ ‘Why not?’ grunted Hitler. He did not care two straws, he said, whether the story was historically true. If it was not, its intrinsic truth was all the more convincing to him. ‘We must beat the Jew with his own weapon,’ he continued. ‘I saw that the moment I had read the book.’ ‘So you derived inspiration for your struggle from the ‘Protocols’?’ I asked. ‘Yes, certainly, down to the veriest detail,’ he replied.”


Source : Universal Digital Library

The Voice of Destruction, pp. 238-239, Hermann Rauschning, 1940

A Troubling Legacy

The legacy of the Dearborn Independent and Henry Ford are practically inseparable; when discussing one, the other must be mentioned. The Independent originally claimed a noble goal with the slogan, “chronicle the neglected truth”. However, it was the antisemitism carried from Ford’s upbringing which made his “truth” involve Social Darwinist-infused rants against Jewish people. For a man so influential in shaping the United States during the industrial age, it is unfortunate he held such bigoted views. Although, this is not to suggest such beliefs were cultivated alone. Liebold, and to a lesser extent Cameron, were instrumental in pointing Ford towards increasingly extreme viewpoints, gradually radicalizing the man. If it were not for these two, the Independent may be little more than a footnote to the life of Henry Ford. Sadly, this is not the case and the Independent forever casts a dark shadow over Ford’s and the Ford Motor Company’s reputation. Only further damaging the image of Ford and his company are the numerous Nazi collaborations that have resurfaced in recent years. In truth, however, many companies from this period had affiliations with the Nazi regime including other automotive firms such as General Motors. While this is not to excuse Ford’s connections with the Nazi Party, it certainly helps put them in perspective. What is most troubling about these connections is the personal admiration between Ford and Hitler which allowed said connections to be formed in the first place. If it were not for the antisemitic articles published in the Independent which aligned with Hitler’s beliefs, then it remains a question whether Ford would have had any involvement with the Nazi Party. Although, such connections likely would have been made through prodding from his German heritage secretary. Today, the Independent remains relevant as the antisemitic ideas written in the paper still act as a plague upon current discourse; ideas that are recirculated through the various reprints of the International Jew and Protocols articles. As it stands, the legacy of both the Dearborn Independent and Henry Ford remains muddled, complicated, and overshadowed by the bigotry and hatred which preceded them.

Baldwin, Neil. Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate. Public Affairs, 2003.


Colver, William J. “Labor: What Is the Outlook for the Future?” The Dearborn Independent. November 1, 1919.


“Dearborn Independent (Dearborn, Mich.) 1901-1927.” The Library of Congress. Accessed March 5, 2023.


Dobbs, Michael. “Ford and GM Scrutinized for Alleged Nazi Collaboration.” Washington Post, November 30, 1998.


Does a Jewish World Program Exist? July 10, 1920.


Ford, Henry, and Louis Marshall. Henry Ford’s Apology. Ford Motor Company, 1927.


“Henry Ford and Anti-Semitism: A Complex Story.” The Henry Ford. Accessed March 5, 2023.


“The International Jew: The World’s Problem.” The Dearborn Independent. May 22, 1920.


“Jew Versus Non-Jew in New York Finance.” The Dearborn Independent. November 13, 1920.


Kipling, Rudyard. White Man’s Burden. London, 1899.


Logsdon, Jonathan R. “Power, Ignorance, and Anti-Semitism: Henry Ford and His War on Jews.” Power, ignorance, and Anti-Semitism: Henry Ford and his war on jews. Hanover College. Accessed March 5, 2023.


“Marshall, Perlman, Brisbane and Palma Tell Negotiations With Ford on Apology Letter.” The Detroit Jewish Chronicle. July 15, 1921.


Nilus, Sergei. The Protocols of The Learned Elder’s of Zion. FBI, n.d..


Pipp, Edwin G. The Real Henry Ford. Detroit: Pipp’s weekly, 1922.


Pipp, Edwin G. “‘Pipp’s Weekly’ Exposes Ford’s Private Secretary.” Edited by The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Writers. The Detroit Jewish Chronicle. March 4, 1921.


“PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION: KEY DATES.” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Accessed March 5, 2023.


Rauschning, Hermann. The Voice of Destruction. New York: Putnam, 1940.


The Reminiscences of Mr. E. G. Liebold . 1. Vol. 1. 2 vols., 1953.


“Rotary Press, Used to Print the Dearborn Independent.” The Henry Ford. Accessed March 5, 2023.


“Sapiro Libel Suit Against Ford Opens in Detroit Tomorrow.” Jewish Daily Bulletin. March 14, 1927.


A Short View of Great Questions. Google Books. The Brandur Company, 1899.


Torchinsky, Jason. “The Real Story Behind The Nazis And Volkswagen.” Jalopnik, October 2, 2015.


“The ‘German People’s Car’ as a ‘Communal Project’ of the German Automotive Industry.” Volkswagen History Archives. Volkswagen. Accessed March 5, 2023.


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